A sales performance coach will help carry you to a new level of performance by instructing and training you to produce more satisfying results and improve your ability to set goals, take action, make better decisions, and make full use of your natural strengths.
Coaching programs are determined by the goals and objective outcomes the participant would like to achieve. Programs typically last three to six months. Weekly goals and objectives are determined through conversations between the coach and the participant.
Who is coaching for?
Coaching is for the person that desires to achieve a better performance. Salespeople and sales leaders benefit from a seasoned, experienced coach through collaboration, insight, and challenges to their current selling behaviors.
Will coaching really work for me?
A 2014 Global Coaching Client Study conducted on behalf of the International Coach Federation (ICF) found that of those individuals who had received coaching:
- 80% saw improved self-confidence
- 73% saw improved relationships
- 72% saw improved communication skills
- 70% saw improved work performance
- 61% saw improved business management
- 57% saw improved time management
- 51% saw improved team performance
- 99% indicated that they were somewhat or fully satisfied with their coaching experience
- and 96% said they would do it again
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PO Box 29422
Charleston, SC 29422